About Us
Established in 2013, JW Water Holdings serves approximately 50,000 water and sewer utility customers throughout Arizona. Here is a look into what JW Water Holdings, LLC can offer your community!

Water and Sewer Utility Operations & Management Functions

Turn-key management of small to mid-size utility entities, including bookkeeping, accounting, accounts receivable and accounts payable, regulatory reporting, supervision of staff/ contractors, corporate administration, and periodic reporting.
- Billing services: Provide billing and customer service functions for utility entities, including printing and sending of monthly bills, database management, payment processing (including credit card, ACH), customer calls and inquiries.
- Negotiation and drafting of management agreements with regulated water and sewer utilities, non-profit utility providers, municipalities and special districts.
Physical operation of small to mid-scale water and sewer systems.
Consulting and Development Functions
- Negotiation and drafting of utility development agreements (UDA) with the land developer and/or homebuilder.
Consulting and advising services for developers, homebuilders, HOA’s and special districts on wastewater utility development, infrastructure phasing plans, regulatory approval processes, engineering coordination, and financing.
Facilitate / direct the organization and establishment of utility franchises and regulated utility companies.
Preparation of pro forma cash flow and other financial projections required for design of sewer and water utility rate structures. Subsequent to the design of the rate, Pivotal will then coordinate the application of and approval of the CC&N and Financing applications from the applicable government regulatory body overseeing each utility.
Infrastructure planning designed to closely correlate the construction of plant and equipment with the actual pace of development.