Water Restriction Stages
Mandatory restrictions to reduce daily water consumption. Failure to comply will result in disconnection. The following restrictions are in place:

Stage 1
No Restrictions

Stage 2
Voluntary efforts by customer to try and reduce water usage by 10%.
- No outdoor watering on weekends and holidays
- Outdoor vegetation may be watered on even days for even numbered lots and odd days for odd numbered lots

Stage 3
- Irrigation of outdoor trees, lawns, shrubs, or any plant life is prohibited
- Washing of any vehicle is prohibited
- Use of water for dust control or other outdoor cleaning is prohibited
- Use of drip of misting systems is prohibited
- Filling of swimming pools, spas, fountains, or ornamental pools is prohibited
- Use of construction water is prohibited
- Restaurant patrons shall only be served water upon request

Stage 4
- Irrigation of outdoor trees, lawns, shrubs, or any plant life is prohibited
- Washing of any vehicle is prohibited
- Use of water for dust control or other outdoor cleaning is prohibited
- Use of drip of misting systems is prohibited
- Filling of swimming pools, spas, fountains, or ornamental pools is prohibited
- Use of construction water is prohibited
- Restaurant patrons shall only be served water upon request
- Any other water intensive activity is prohibited

Stage 5
- Irrigation of outdoor trees, lawns, shrubs, or any plant life is prohibited
- Washing of any vehicle is prohibited
- Use of water for dust control or other outdoor cleaning is prohibited
- Use of drip of misting systems is prohibited
- Filling of swimming pools, spas, fountains, or ornamental pools is prohibited
- Use of construction water is prohibited
- Restaurant patrons shall only be served water upon request
- Any other water intensive activity is prohibited