Helpful hints and facts

This setup and procedure will greatly reduce the risk of potential broken lines, water damage, frozen lines, and expensive bills due to unknown/unseen leaks.

Protecting your property’s water supply, customer leaks, winterizing, and vacant/unoccupied properties

- When a property is going to be unoccupied for an extended period, It is recommended that the water be turned off (this helps to prevent unnoticed & expensive leaks, property damage, freezing, and sometimes theft).
- The valve in front of the meter (labeled “A”), is for use by JWW, and water company representatives. It’s primary function is to assist in changing meters but also helps with account related issues.
- Customers are responsible for the lines & control of their own water flow which is everything following/after the meter.
- The customer side/line should consist of at least 12 inches of brass (or sometimes copper nipple), a ball valve or gate valve (NOT PVC), a union, then a faucet/hose bib is recommended. A “meter” box will fit around and over these for protection.
- All new services installed are required to have customer valves.
- For your protection, it is HIGHLY recommended that valves are installed for all other properties that do not have valves
To avoid property damage by broken lines, frozen lines, and expensive bills from unnoticed leaks & line breaks:

- When leaving for long periods of time, a good practice is to turn off the water to your properties using the valves labeled “B”
- If you are concerned about freezing lines, after valve “B” is off, opening the hose bib/faucet, along with opening faucets in the house or cabin, will allow water to drain from the lines, reducing the chance of freezing (this should work most of the time).
- Cold climates: Many people like add some insulation in the boxes around their valves in winter as well.
- Meter Boxes: Although plastic boxes are cheaper, they can sometimes be cumbersome. A concrete box is recommended.